Solar Batteries2023-10-31T19:25:04+08:00


Never suffer from Blackouts in the Wet Season Again!

Many of us in the solar industry, along with many solar PV system owners have been long awaiting the day when solar home battery prices will drop sufficiently for them to offer a reasonable financial return.

A solar battery means energy independence.

Installing a solar battery means that even when your solar energy generation is low because it’s the evening or cloudy, you’ll be able to power your home with the energy stored in your battery. Additionally, as the cost of electricity continues to rise nationally, you’ll save big by not having to pull your electricity from the grid; after all, solar energy is free!

Those with battery storage systems truly understand their importance during power interruptions.   Many of us have endured hours without power in the midst of the cyclone season. And for those of us who care for our planet, battery storage has the advantage of reducing your carbon emissions.

If you’re interested in increasing your energy independence, reducing your reliance on the grid, or having backup power during outages, a home battery system could be a perfect solution.

battery storage

Maximise your energy independence and efficiency by contacting us today!

Why Choose Us

Davidson Power Solutions

Experience: Our 10 years in the solar industry gives us a distinct edge.

Quality: We use only the best battery brands with proven durability and efficiency in Broome and the Kimberley climate.

Commitment: Our team is dedicated to ensuring you get the most out of your battery investment.

Eco-Friendly: By choosing us, you’re taking a step toward a greener, sustainable future.

What Davidson Power Solutions has to Offer

With over 10 years in the industry, our team is passionate about advancing the cause of sustainable energy. Our expertise lies in integrating advanced and up-to-date products, ensuring you have the best designed systems for your needs.

Solar Battery Installation:  Our skilled technicians will seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art battery systems with your existing or new solar panels.

Maintenance & Monitoring:  Solar batteries, like any tech, require periodic check-ups. Our monitoring systems and scheduled maintenance ensure that every part of your system functions at peak efficiency.

Consultation & Design:  Not sure what you need? We’ll guide you through the best options tailored to your energy needs and consumption patterns.

Emergency Services:  In the rare event of system issues, our on-call team is available 24/7 to get you back online.

Why Choose Solar Batteries in Broome and the Kimberley

Solar energy has been a game-changer for many regions around the world, but its significance is exceptionally noticeable in areas like Broome and the Kimberley. With abundant sunshine and unique geographical advantages, solar batteries offer an array of benefits for residents and businesses alike. Let’s dive into the advantages of harnessing solar energy through batteries in this region:

  • Optimal Sunlight Exposure

    Consistent Solar Yield: Broome and the Kimberley regions boast some of Australia’s highest levels of solar irradiance, ensuring a consistent and efficient energy yield for solar panels.
    Extended Daylight Hours: Longer daylight hours, especially during summer, provide extended periods for solar energy harvesting.

  • Economic Savings

    Reduced Electricity Bills: By harnessing the sun’s energy, residents can substantially cut down on their electricity costs.
    Increase in Property Value: Solar installations, especially with battery storage, often add value to properties, making them more attractive to potential buyers or renters.
    Government Incentives: There are numerous financial incentives and rebates available for residents and businesses looking to invest in solar technology.

  • Energy Independence

    Store and Use: Solar batteries allow you to store excess energy produced during the day, ensuring that power is available even during the night or cloudy days.
    Reduced Grid Dependency: With solar batteries, there’s less reliance on the traditional power grid, leading to greater energy security.

  • Environmentally Friendly

    Reduced Carbon Footprint: Solar energy is clean and green. By opting for solar batteries, residents contribute to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
    Sustainable Growth: Solar batteries support the broader push for sustainable living, reducing the dependence on fossil fuels.

  • Infrastructure and Development Benefits

    Remote Area Power Supply: For areas in the Kimberley that are more remote and hard to access, solar with battery storage offers a reliable source of energy, reducing the need for long power lines or diesel generators.
    Job Creation: The growing solar industry in the region offers employment opportunities in installation, maintenance, and research.

  • Technological Advancements

    Innovation in the Solar Industry: With increasing interest and investment in solar energy, there’s rapid advancement in technology. This means solar batteries are becoming more efficient, longer-lasting, and more affordable.
    Integration with Smart Home Systems: Modern solar battery systems can integrate seamlessly with smart home systems, providing real-time data, optimization, and automation.

  • Resilience During Outages

    Backup Power Source: In the event of power outages, having a solar battery system ensures that you have a backup power source ready to keep your home or business running smoothly.


Davidson Power Solutions transformed our solar experience. Now, even on cloudy days or at night, our home remains powered by the sun!

Ryan M, Broome

James and his team were professional, efficient, and truly passionate about their work. Highly recommended!

Mark G, Derby
Will a solar battery power my home during an outage?2023-10-25T08:56:06+08:00

Absolutely! That’s one of the primary benefits of installing a solar battery system.

Why should I choose a solar battery system?2023-09-19T15:15:03+08:00

A solar battery system provides you with greater control over your energy usage.

It allows you to store excess solar energy and use it when needed, reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially lowering your energy bills even further.

It also provides backup power during grid outages, ensuring you have a reliable electricity supply.

How long do solar batteries last?2023-10-25T08:55:01+08:00

On average, a solar battery’s lifespan ranges from 10 to 15 years, depending on the brand and usage.

How does a solar battery system work?2023-09-19T15:14:22+08:00

A solar battery system stores excess solar energy generated by your solar panels during the day.

This stored energy can be used during the evenings or when there is limited sunlight and allows you to maximise your energy independence.

How does a solar battery system benefit me?2023-09-19T15:16:26+08:00

A solar battery system offers several benefits.

It allows you to reduce your reliance on grid electricity, resulting in potential cost savings on your energy bills.

By utilising stored solar energy, you can also minimise your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Can I add a battery to my existing solar system?2023-10-25T08:56:55+08:00

Yes, most solar systems can be retrofitted with a battery. Contact us for a consultation.

Are solar battery systems suitable for both residential and commercial use?2023-09-19T15:15:43+08:00

Absolutely! Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner in Broome or the Kimberley region, our solar battery systems are designed to meet your specific energy needs.

We offer tailored solutions for both residential and commercial applications, helping you achieve energy independence and cost savings

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