Solar Hybrid Systems2023-10-31T17:52:38+08:00


Unlock the Power of the Sun in Australia’s Northwest

Broome and the Kimberley region is blessed with abundant sunlight throughout the year, making it an ideal place for harnessing solar energy.

Davidson Power Solutions is here to help you design and install a cutting-edge solar hybrid system. We specialise in creating custom solutions that integrate solar power with other energy sources, maximising efficiency and sustainability.

From initial system design to seamless installation, our skilled team will guide you throughout the process, ensuring your energy needs are met.

The dynamics of energy policies, incentives, and technologies are continually evolving. It’s always a good idea to consult with local experts to get the most up-to-date information on hybrid power solutions in Broome and the Kimberley.

Experience the benefits of a solar hybrid system by contacting us today.

Solar hybrid diagram

Why Choose Us for Your Solar Hybrid System

Opting for our services ensures a partnership with professionals who value quality, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

Experience: Our 10 years in the solar industry gives us a distinct edge.

Quality: We use only the best battery brands with proven durability and efficiency.

Commitment: Our team is dedicated to ensuring you get the most out of your solar investment.

Eco-Friendly: By choosing us, you’re taking a step toward a greener, sustainable future.

What Davidson Power Solutions has to Offer

With over 10 years in the industry, our team is passionate about advancing the cause of sustainable energy. Our expertise lies in integrating advanced battery systems with solar installations, ensuring you have power, day or night.

Customised Solutions: We offer tailor-made solar hybrid systems based on your energy needs and property specifics.

Professional Installation: Our team of certified professionals ensures a safe and efficient installation process.

After-sales Support: We believe in a long-term relationship. Our dedicated support team is always on standby to address any concerns or queries.

Emergency Services: In the rare event of system issues, our on-call team is available 24/7 to get you back online.

Why Choose a Solar Hybrid System in Broome and the Kimberley?

  • Maximised Energy Reliability:

    By combining solar with another energy source, such as batteries or diesel generators, you ensure a steady supply of electricity even during cloudy days or nighttime.

  • Cost-effective:

    Reducing your reliance on grid power or diesel generators can lead to significant savings on your energy bills over time.

  • Eco-friendly:

    Harness the power of the sun and reduce your carbon footprint. Solar energy is clean, renewable, and sustainable.

  • Independence:

    Diminish your reliance on the grid, providing energy security and independence, especially in remote locations.

  • High Solar Exposure:

    The region receives a significant amount of sunlight, ensuring efficient energy generation throughout the year.

  • Remote Power Solutions:

    For areas in the Kimberley that are off-grid or have unreliable grid connections, solar hybrid systems offer an excellent solution for uninterrupted power.


“Being eco-conscious, I’ve been on the lookout for the right solar solution. The hybrid system from Davidson Power Solutions was the answer.

Not only am I generating my own power during the day, but the stored energy also takes care of my needs at night.

Highly satisfied!”


“The hybrid solar system I got from Power Solutions has been a game changer for my home.

Not only have I seen a dramatic drop in my electricity bills, but the peace of mind knowing I’m contributing to a greener future is priceless.

Highly recommended!”

Sam P
When can I connect AC Coupled solar in Broome?2023-10-25T11:32:53+08:00

We can design a system to get you connection approval today!

What is a Hybrid Solar System?2023-09-19T15:13:35+08:00

A Hybrid Solar System combines the features of a traditional solar PV system with battery storage.

In addition to generating electricity from solar panels, a hybrid system incorporates energy storage capabilities.

This means that excess energy generated by the solar panels can be stored in a battery for later use, such as during the night.

Can I connect a solar system in Broome?2023-09-19T15:10:14+08:00

Yes, there are solar hybrid systems that can be installed TODAY that are compliant with the grid connection standards.

Are hybrid power solutions cost-effective for businesses in the area?2023-10-25T11:34:47+08:00

While the initial investment might be higher than traditional power sources, hybrid systems can lead to substantial savings in costs over time.

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